Monday, August 10, 2009

Welcome to the mad-house

According to the Archbishop of Wales children and young adults should be forced to pray to HIS invisible friend every day because… well, he didn't give any actual reasons just the usual "warning" of impending moral disintegration if we didn't tow the line and be subservient to his particular cult.

What is wrong with these people, do they think we are stupid? I am so sick of this country being assumed to automatically be a "Christian" country, statistically and practically it is not.

Even today we have Gordon Brown our prime minister saying that this state's values are based on traditional religious teachings, and that people should be encouraged to promote their faith in the "public square" in order to maintain "cohesion". We are talking about magic books and talking snakes here! People can already believe whatever they like and express themselves however they like, the real cancer here is that certain entrenched sects force their narrow and deluded views down the throats of everyone else without choice or option, in schools, in government and in the workplace; it is a prejudiced and elitist system that has no place in a modern democratic society.

We have two sides of the same coin on display here, on one side the stick on the other the carrot, believe it or suffer dire (but unfalsifiable) consequences and don't rock the boat and you can proselytise as much as you like. This is so transparent that even a child can see through it; a fairground three cup scam has more integrity than these con-men. In my view the only thing rational people can conclude from such outbursts is:

  1. Campaign harder for a secular society enshrined in law, not some wishy-washy elitist cartel based on the morals of a 500 year old horny monarch.
  2. Do what ever it takes to remove Gordon Brown from power at the next election; he is clearly as deluded as the rest of them.

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