Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Witness the evil..

According to Jehovah Witnesses young people are often exposed to "temptation" (drum roll); here is a copy of one of their bizarre little Watchtower rags, pay particular attention to the second bullet point. That's right, we don't need no education, we don't need no thought control; what our religion wants is dumb people, the dumber the better, then they don't feel like annoying freaks as people slam the front door in their faces on Saturday mornings.

Religion clearly sees reason as it's enemy in this case, I suppose educated people tend to question questionable things, like their religion, or perhaps they just have something to hide?

PS. I see that the obligatory Bible quote is one from Proverbs asking "can a man can walk upon the coals and his feet not be scorched" - well yes actually, it's all about conduction, thermal gradients and surface areas, oh yes, you won't be learning about that will you little witness.


Gerrarrdus said...

Fr Borthwick

I'm deeply concerned.
I seem to have achieved all of the bullet points in that list, apart from the fire-walking. I must lose a couple of stone so I can give it a try.
Ironically on the education issue it would appear that this leaflet has managed to agree with the notably secular Chairman Mao. Maybe thought-control is a human phenomenon rather than a specifically religious one?


Steve Borthwick said...

G, I know! what an evil bunch we all are, sends a chill of pure hedonism down your spine doesn't it! all those exams, phwor! :)

And don't worry, if Mao handed out leaflets and knocked on my door on Saturday mornings flogging his delusions, I have a pop at him too!