Monday, January 18, 2010

Do blonds really have more fun?

Mildly interesting story on the BBC today about blonds, according to a recent study researchers found that blonds tend to be more aggressive and get on faster, they also found blondes were used to getting more attention and being treated better by others.

I can kind of see this, perhaps it's like the Queen thinking the world smells of wet paint, i.e. positive reinforcement leads to modified behaviour because of a heightened sense of entitlement. Perhaps some women out there who have been "both" blonde and not blonde can confirm if people treat them differently or not?

(Other than talking more slowly of course.... sorry I couldn't resist ;)


Chairman Bill said...

Steve, I would say this applies only to natural blondes. Those who dye their hair blonde obviously suffer from crippling lack of self-esteem and need to appear blonde to compensate.

Steve Borthwick said...

or... they just like the colour? ;)

I feel more sorry for blokes that dye their hair, one of my mates had an "accident" with one of those "banish grey hair" products, he turned into a ging.. we called him "swan vesta" for months.. not pretty...