Wednesday, February 24, 2010

God's own shrink...

More trouble a't'mill for Iris Robinson, just when she thought things had quietened down her ex-advisor at Stormont  (in her capacity as Health Minister!) has just been reported to the GMC (General Medical Council). Dr Paul Miller a psychiatrist has been claiming to "cure" homosexuality via a bogus course of therapy. Robinson, who describes herself as a "born again Christian" resigned in disgrace from her Government post last year as the result of a sex scandal involving a 19 year old man and dubious financial dealings.

Whilst she was in office she gave an interview with radio Ulster when she said,

"I have a very lovely psychiatrist who works with me in my offices and his Christian background is that he tries to help homosexuals trying to turn away from what they are engaged in."

Dr Miller was caught with his metaphorical trousers down by Patrick Strudwick, an openly gay reporter posing as a patient, who was so shocked by the so called treatment that he reported Miller to the GMC. Apparently at one point Miller claimed that Strudwick had been "harmed" as a child and that was why he was gay.

I find it incredible that adult human beings can be so deluded that they think they are doing people a favour with this quackery; I wonder what the public reaction would be if a psychiatrist started openly offering a course of therapy aimed at "curing" people of their Christianity; electrodes and pictures of half naked men being tortured on crosses anyone?

On second thoughts, I'm sure some would pay good money for that.


Chairman Bill said...

Steady on there Steve - I am a public schoolboy after all.

Steve Borthwick said...

CB, as long as you fill in an exeat form what you do at the weekend... ;)