Thursday, February 25, 2010

He won't make that mistake again...

Prosecutors in Baltimore USA have a nasty case to deal with this week, it involves the leader of a Christian cult who was so outraged that a 1 year old boy in his "flock" didn't say "amen" at the appropriate time he decided to apply some good old fashioned Leviticus style "teaching", he deprived the young lad of food and water... until he was dead.

Apparently followers of this particular cult believed that if they prayed hard enough they could "resurrect" the toddler from the dead (wonder where that idea came from?), of course, they were wrong. Incredibly the mother of the boy went along with it and watched him waste away, so desperate was she to be accepted into this evil outfit. Rational people everywhere will hope that everyone involved will have plenty of "yard-time" on their hands over the next decade or two to reflect on how and why their delusions led them to this abomination.

When it comes to cults based on invisible, supernatural entities which are supposed to be all powerful but strangely require human intermediaries to tell you what they want you to do; take the same approach that the Nancy Regan's famous 80s anti-drug campaign did, just say no.

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