Sunday, December 31, 2017

C U 2017

Our New Year party is just about kicking-off now; corks beginning to pop and cans beginning to crack open, everyone is watching the fireworks in Sydney on YouTube and wishing they were somewhere warm! I'm not a massive fan of this kind of thing but don't mind a decent knees-up every now and again, always an excuse to open something nice and to delude yourself that it's fine to have another shandy as it only happens once a year (actually I'm out early tomorrow so can't go too mad). I've no (new) resolutions this year, just the usual ambient ones of trying to stay healthy, exercising more, being less of a curmudgeon and not doing anything too excess that I might regret (like New Years Eve parties!), not exactly the rock-star lifestyle but then again that lot didn't do too well in 2017 did they! (bang goes the curmudgeon resolution)..

Anyway have a good one and see you back here in 2018, don't be late.

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